About A More Perfect Union

A More Perfect Union was among the first features produced entirely within social distancing guidelines. During these historic days, our rights are under attack. Mass surveillance efforts have increased dramatically since 2020, going far beyond what Edward Snowden revealed a decade ago. Health insurance companies saw record profits while everyday Americans lost their jobs, savings, and chances to improve their lives during the pandemic.

A More Perfect Union is a microcosm of American life during the March 2020 lockdown, depicting the stress of parenting alone while a partner is sick and the way global trauma combined with near-constant isolation tears at the fabric of mental health and relationships. The film also highlights ways in which the government’s response to Covid crucially shapes our future, and how our fundamental rights as Americans were infringed upon during this crisis, as too many of us faced difficult choices between staying safe and supporting our families.

The film shares familiar stories from this time across many walks of life. The Bergs' storyline also explores modern love through the lens of polyamory, non-binary gender identity, pansexuality and more.